video_games in The Happy Community! :D

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Hello Guys! I wanted to give this game a shoutout because it looks really cool! It's called "Createvel"!
It's a level editor and is really cool!
Check it out if you want!
Also go follow the game's creator @sandvvich .

So, I played zardy’s maze

When I find my Animal Crossing peeps 💕😍🫶🏻🥰🎉

Once it's finished, I will release a demo for the game!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys! Today was the day the enemy contest ended.
However, I've pushed the date to October 20th!
Make all the entries you want until that day!

Hi everyone, Willy is back, I've been thinking about it and I think I'm going to mix a bit of parkour with adventure, although following the story won't be obligatory.
And with that meet Alexander the merchant, he will help you during all the levels

*Goes to game page* Alright let's se how things are going *Sees Game has 50 Views* LEZ GOOOOOO!!!!!!!

NPCs are going great so far! Couldn't make a text engine sadly. More Soon!