All Posts in Blender Development

Share your creations!

It's been a while everyone if any of you still even care but I'M BACK

Starting with a new mascot horror game "The Chemical Plant" I will be modeling the characters but i need help with coding and possibly animating.

The image is a preview of the monster.

The Tower of Babel - Sinar - Ver01

MattePaint - The Tower of Babel.
3D Model - Enviroment


I made a house model!

I made a cool render with him!

Done with the model!

I am making silly easter bunny model


I was bored in class again!😪


I was bored in school so I made this 😐


Animation Basic Prototype - Solar Panel


Prototype Solar Panel - Desert Light Tracking - T1
#model3DBlender, #SolarPanelDesert, #SolarPanelLightTrackingT1 3D Model, Desert Solar Panel Prototype, transportable and with light tracking.