Share your creations!

New header-
Also finished Akuma, going to make past Akuma next.

❝I'm a ghost bunny, get it right Mathews.❞

Welcome to Bumble-Bee's Community!
Hello, I know rules can be boring but I still need to set some and make things clear to ya'll.
Please, and I mean please don't start hating, discriminating, being negative towards others.
With problems tell a moderator or the actual owner, they/we will deal with it.
No innapropriatte content, we will take that off the community, if you continue we will ban you from the community.
Just try to have fun.
And just remember your beatiful, and to me you'll always be enough<3
I hope you all enjoy your time here.
All said by yours truly, @Bumble-bee
Hello its me @Blix-The-Crow a moderator. I just had some stuff I want to say.
In this community, Bumble-Bee made it so people can connect, and its like a fanbase for Bumble's fans. I just want to say don't be negative please.
In the suggestions channel you can request new channels to add, if we should do a challenge of some sort at a certain member range, or just anything you want to suggest for this community.
Bye ya'll, love you guys, everything said by @Blix-The-Crow