“Once I’m outta that steeple they gonna know who’s boss”

Hi Cheesilante.
The servers are done!!! (You’ll see why it involves gumslime mountain just yet)
Floor Levels (WIP Post)


i have a theory lol
Welcome to the Cheeseslime Steeple community on Game Jolt!
Ways to be a good Game Jolt Citizen
Remember you’re talking to real people!
When speaking to others on Game Jolt, always remember that they are real people with real feelings, just like you! Pretend you are speaking to other Game Jolt users in person. For example, ask yourself: “Is what I am about to say something I would say in real life?” and “Would I appreciate it if someone said this to me?” Being considerate of the feelings of others will help you to be among Game Jolt’s finest citizens!
Read Community descriptions and adhere to their rules.
Every Community on Game Jolt is different and may have its own set of rules. Always check a Community's description for specific guidelines on posting and expected behavior.
Keep posts on topic.
Thinking about publishing a post to a Community or two? Ensure your post is on topic with the Communities you have selected, and send it to the appropriate channel.
Always link the source.
Many of us love sharing our favorite art, videos and music. If the content was not created by you, it would only be right to credit and link to the content’s original creator. After all, if you like something enough to share it, why not direct some attention to the person who worked so hard on it? Please note that some Communities only allow original content, so again, check those Community guidelines before posting!
Be constructive in criticism.
Have you found user-created content that you think could be improved? That’s fine; we all have opinions! Speak up about your concerns and leave a comment, but be constructive and gracious in your criticism. Think about how you would solve the issue if it were your own content and then voice your ideas accordingly. People work hard on their various creations and will appreciate your feedback when delivered with care.
Send a report.
Contact https://gamejolt.com/@PizzelleSugarSpire or some of the collaborators (or all just in case)