Welcome to the Clickteam Fusion Tool Kit Expo! Where you can share you creations and Videos about your project your making in Clickteam Fusion or The Games Factory!
Rules for CTTK Expo
No Gamemaker Projects (There is the GMTK for that)
Try to keep NSFW content low (Go to pornhub not here)
No hating on projects(I don't want to see hate on a clickteam project no matter how bad it is)
How to get your game featured on the expo?
It has to be a finished product (No filler games)
It needs atleast 100 views and 10 followers (This proves that its not a filler or stolen game)
No stolen games (I don't want to be responable for any of the games you stole)
How to get moderator?
You have to be known for doing good things
(All verified Gamejolt users get moderator)
You have to atleast be a member of gamejolt for a month (No alt accounts)