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Ay chat! Talking to ic knighty in :)




…он хочет расплатится поцелуем за все разы, когда я его мило называла… я без понятия почему он этого хочет…

…he wants to pay with kisses for all times, when i called him cutely… i have no idea why does he want it…

инвалид думает, что я его дразню 💋 (поцелуями)

disabled thinks that i tease him 💋 (kisses)

топ рекомендаций меня убивает 💀’s top recommendation kills me 💀

Welcome to the ♡the community♡ community on Game Jolt!

Hi!! Welcome to the community!!

Here you can suggest/recommend bots or just show your funny chats or calls with them!!



•I know sometimes bots might get a little bit suggestive and its funny.. i know- but please try to not be inappropriate and cross the line..!

•please.. do not bully or harrass anyone!! If you do.. get help and a life! We do not care about your opinion! ;3

•don't start drama here. This is self explanatory.


Well.. that's all for now..!! Have fun!! :D

@W0lfingl4na owner
Report A community for 7 months