general in Cat's


My lil bro have account now.

Go follow @Pajkke

His art is so good

@Pajkke is my brother twin which now started using game jolt pls follow on him

Guys i beated fnaf help wanted and get platinum trophy on ps4!

68 streak in green bird app

help me


(read article)

i want to go home,but i cant

i cannot control my new body,i only can feel pain and wait till i die,i think i dont have some body parts,mom and dad its so painful and i miss yall.When my body is killing someone i have to watch it......

u should not die,i just wanted to get help,its cold here,i just want to go up there,its scary here.I hate my new body,i hate him,he traped us here,i was thinking that it was him. You can rest now