Art in The Catsacue Covenant

Share your creations!

I finished the NEW and IMPROVED office

New Project Announcement

Okay so right now I'm just making some more props and rearranging some stuff around the FNAF 2 office. I will get to the lighting soon!


I really thought they wouldn't stoop this low 💀

Okay so no matter what kind of lighting I do nothing seems to fit. So I need your help to figure out what type of lighting fits it best!

Okay so I have been keeping this render for a while and after a few weeks now I'm finally posting my remake of the Project Box title screen! And I think out of every thing that I have ever made I think this has to be my best!

I completely forgot I made this

The Plush Trap Chaser drawing is done and I really like this little goofy rabbit

art vs artist! (devious smirk)

Still have to work on the lighting