I Can't Believe I Did that lol #modernwarfare2
Welcome to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Community) community on Game Jolt!

Welcome Novice, This community is made only for those who are prepared for a second war.
In this community, there are some rules which you must abide by.
Don't share content that is not related with others CoD games or games in general.
Don't be racist, xenophobic or homophobic.
Respect the members, moderators and the owner.
Respect the channels, this means that if there's a channel called "Trickshots", don't upload a video gameplay there, just a clip with the exact moment of the trickshot.
How channels works
-Frontpage: This channel is moderated by the owner, if the owner watch something really good in any of the channels, the post will be featured! This means that the new people that enter on the community, the first thing that is going to see is your post!
-Lobby: General channel, here is like a summary of all the community content about all the channels.
-Fan Arts: In this channel you can share your artworks about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2! (The new one obviously), just upload your art, then let's if people likes it!
-Trickshots: This channel is made for upload some epic shots IN A SHORT CLIP, IF YOU UPLOAD A VIDEO THAT TAKES MORE THAN 30 SECONDS, WILL BE PERMABAN.
-Let's play: This channel is made For people who want to look for new friends to play! Leave your user ID, and ask for someone to play!
Once said this, what are you waiting for? Go share something!