Welcome to DCCC!
A program for daycare content creators,Since we have seen good and bad things about allowing content, we have decided to put regulations on our content creators
Rule number 1-do not make any type of leak of game updates that is both false and true, or misleading content for users
Rule number 2-do not make sexualized content of the game, this goes more for creators of videos on youtube, creators of Mods or Addons, or even for artists, since there may be content not suitable for sensitive people or people who are minors, neither can be indirect, this also goes for excessive gore
Rule number 3-do not make Family Friendly content, since this would affect the image of the game and we do not want them to see the game as a source of money with content for children, this cannot be indirect either
[until now they are the only rules that DCCC has, but later we will see what restrictions should be put according to the suggestions of the users]