Welcome to the DPDD! Why don't you share something nice?


Okay! Who won????? (And don't cheat the vote. Be honest!!)

Β  12 votes Voting finished

Hey yall! For future contect: I am DiDe's (@D1a-_-Dr3 ) alt! I just made it if anyone is curious but I will use it for other stuff sometime. I just wanted to say thanks for all the support and I'll make sure to update you guys on Halloween projects!


For now, this tab is only for fanart of me and the other people in this community (the people who have rooms)! If I become friends with someone or if you ask me about it, I’ll add you to the fanart list for this group!

If you have questions about something for MY OC’s, post them in the comments here!!! You can also send me a friend request but comment here if you do so I know why. Anyone else doing fanart with permission can post a similar post like this. ^^


Welcome to the DPDD! AKA, DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery!

Go to the Assigning Rolls category if you want to…

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    Be nice and respectful, follow the rules of gamejolt, and most importantly, have fun!

Report A community for 5 months