Dave And Bambi: Golden Apple in Dave and Bambi Community/Fan Club (Read Description Please)

please stop changing this


Банду, не ругайся, тебя же Д Е Т Е Й смотрят))
Bandu, dont swear, K I D S are watch u))

golden apple leak real guys i swear, my dad works for golden apple and gave me free beta build i swear guys im not joking guys this is 100% real not at all faked photography (vs thisweirdmodelingdude) - ost golden apple 7.0

Ори - сёмга, чекайте)
Ori - is sigma, check it)

If true original vs Dave and Bambi better

у Тристана старший брат - красный прыщ (Экспанджет)?? БЫТЬ НЕ МОЖЕТ!
Tristan have olde brother - red acne (Expunged)?? NO WAY!