Games in The DIamondRaiderProductions Official Community

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New update coming soon! It's been literally 7 months since I posted about this game, but don't worry, I haven't forgotten, I just got busy with other stuff.

Hello everyone, we are working on a new game that's a FNAF remake called "Secrets beneath" and stay tuned!

Development for Tamashii's demo is going well, I was already pretty far into development when I released the game page and since then I've coded mostly everything needed! Right now I'm taking a break from coding to focus on the music and art.

I've decided I want to incorporate speedrunning elements into Tamashii, as I've discovered that the pre-alpha version of Tamashii is really fun to play fast!

Tamashii, a pixelated platformer where the main character, Grace, explores a magical cavern.