Updates in >Dormitabis

Share your creations!

Havoc Chica Animation- @Aziel5910
Havoc Chica Model- @KitzyKatz

Hope you like it, and here a Render of Havoc chica made by @Aziel5910


Was it the good ending ?

Havoc Freddy Animation- @Aziel5910
Havoc Freddy Model- @KitzyKatz

Hope you enjoy it!

Another animation made by @Aziel5910
Now it's AMIREAL walking, I hope you enjoy it!

Also New Channel:

Was it worth it?

I made a video for the animation test made by Aziel5910
It's Cakebear walking, like in the extras menu.

Keep Your INSANITY...
Or He Will BREAK it...

A amireal and cakebear teaser, Inspired on the loading screen of cakebear's night from the Original Dormitabis

Ooopppss... My hat Fell of

Yes, A cakebear model, cus now we have a real Modeller/coder

Also thanks for the 50 followers! this game is now growing to better.

The lights dim

while your eyes

are not on him


-new teaser from new foxy

-new cakebear teaser coming

-MAYBE cakebear model

-more designs coming

Remember... Keep your Insanity

So guys... It went a long time until I did a post, now... yes, we totally have modellers, and I will show some WIP on the modells..