Updates in >Dormitabis

Share your creations!

@ShotOfRabbetDev is modeling a new character!

- The Box of Limbo -

New banner for the game page, This time I wanted to do something more than just put the animatronics on a black background.

We're all finally back toguether.

We reached 400 followers and it's been a year since the development of Insanity began, wow, sorry we don't have much to show, I hope that during the holidays we can advance more with the fangame, but at least I made a poster to celebrate

Hi guys! It's that time of year again, and our pal Fritz is feelin' festive!

Work on Crawlspace is going well; expect a new teaser in January, as that is the official starting date for serious full-time development.

The map modeler is alive!
@AndrewLoopy-Dev is making the map again now, enjoy this little update


Freddy showcase

Again I am in charge of making the map, here is a small preview of Parts and Services (Wip)


-We are drastically overhauling the enviorments and the overall scale of the project has increased substanially in comparison to V2.5.
-New song has been added to the OST publicly with more to come.

-Models are being modelled lol

Did I cook or not?