General in Einstein's Fridgerator

Post crazy shit, bro!

I just did my nails y'all!! It's really simple, just a sapphire-like blue, but I'm proud because it's the first time I've done my nails without supervision (haven't done my nails for over a year, actually)


I want to jump off a tall tree

Roses are red

Blood is too

F-U-C-K little you (me)


:? It means, like, a confused "touché"


You have free will.

Thanks for 40 followers! It's just 10 from 50!!!

If y'all want, I can totally get together a 50 or 100 follower special! But for now, here are some pictures I took a few minutes ago.

Hey, broskis! I'm back!<3

The short break was just to get myself together, if you're wondering why I only took 19 days off.

Oh yeah, I might break for a bit

Bro I hope nobody sees my search history

They'd find out all my secrets

Learn that I might be depresso

(I wasn't diagnosed as depressed, but genuinely, I'm pretty down rn)

[sigh] fuuuuuuuck.

Check disc.

Just an update btw

Bro I feel entirely depressed but I can't tell if I'm overexaggerating it or not.

If you're bored enough to read my vent, go ahead it's in the article