The "Evil Nine" community will be Released on January 10th or 15th.
It is still in progress, so be patient until it's been Released.
Do not go in the community until you have permission.
Hey, who are you?
Okay, Okay. You've heard of Evil Nine. No? It is an English Electronic Duo created by the two DJs, Tom Beaufoy (Evil Tom), and Pat Pardy.
Evil Nine formed in Brighton, UK, 1998.
They've been doing Rap songs, like Crooked, Earth, Devil Stuff, etc.
"You Can Be Special Too" is the best album. That name sounds like a [bleep!] MTV Sitcom!
"Crooked" Is a Rap song by Evil Nine that was featured by Aesop Rock.
"Hired Goons" Best song. It gives me nostalgia.
If you're an Evil Nine hater, then leave this Community alone.
This is for Tom Beaufoy and Pat Pardy. And... others. Because why not? It's a community.
(The community is still in progress. It will be finished on January 10th or 15th.)