general in Fazbear Frights

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Taking a break. Despite P.C.I. being finished, I kinda need a break from writing before I continue writing. I'll release P.C.I. when I'm back, so don't worry.

2D Digital Artist Needed

Hoho... you thought I was done writing Fazbear Fright stories, didn't you? Well, YOU'RE WRONG!!! This Halloween I have plans for a new Fazbear Frights book. Stay tuned!

Another Fucking Help Wanted Post + Updates

They meet again....


Hey everyone! I've worked for about a year on a Fazbear Frights inspired fangame, and I've just released a demo so I thought it might interest some of you! More details below :D

I really like this new Into The Pit "Wonderland" song by CG5.

FNAF SONG ▶ "Wonderland" (Into the Pit) | CG5
STREAM NOW! Links below!Spotify ▶ Music ▶ by @CG5Lyrics by CG5 & CKGAnimation by @Kay...

Purgaverse Containment Institution cover

Follow @Ross12345h they deserve moar follows tbh.