random in Bendy and the ink machine/Five nights at Freddy's

Share your creations!
I know people are maybe asking "Where's the FNaF Drawing Wave?"Well to put it simply,I'm:
A.Not in the mood.
B.I don't know who to draw and I don't want to mess up badly.
C. Coming up soon is 3/15(You can probably guess what this number is.)
I want you to share your thoughts on what/when you think this track would play on.(My example:My Insane Nightmares)


I atepmted to make a creepy scene in https://pixlr.com/e/
Credits:Pixlr for the backround.PngFind for the shadow.@BontrapAfton1 for giving me the link to pixlr. Me:For putting it all together.(This was my first atempt,don't judge.)