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SOOOO, I'm back. Here's some things you should know

FNAT2R Unfinished Build:

Sorry for not telling you guys earlier but I've been taking a break from game development for about a month. I should continue by the start of the week...

Charger Acquired ;)

(All Games Unpaused except FNAT2R)

Left My Computer Charger in San Antonio at my grandmother's house 0-0(I'll get it back by this week but still 0-0)(All Games paused until I retrieve my charger)

(Edit-charger was found)

Here is the current state of all my unreleased games in order...

(Will be updated)

Welcome to the FNATU Community!

A Few Ground Rules:

-No NSFW Stuff

-No Consistent Profanity

-No Toxicity

Welp, that's all!

@JaTheGamer07 owner
Report A community for about 3 years