making me in FNF
hard work i been working on right pose
(this has been scrapped due of detroyed file)
New OST HMMMMM hehehe

Fnf HellBeats Minus Moster Skid and Puppet Pump
Art by: me
Welcome to the Friday Night Funkin Community community on Game Jolt!

What Is Friday Night Funkin
Friday Night Funkin is about were Your girlfriend's dad has challenged you to beat him at his own game if you wanna get with her. Though it won't be easy to out-sing an ex rockstar.

Why did you make this community
Well I decided to make this community because I really appreciate how the game is going so I decided to help by supporting it

Who are the creators of FNF
PhantomArcade and EvilSk8er - ART
ninjamuffin99 - PROGRAMMING
Kawaisprite - MUSIC/SOUNDS
Bassetfilms, the composer for Lemon Monster
SrPelo, for use of Spooky boys
JohnnyUtah, for the new logo design
MOAWLINGΒ for pixel art on Week 6! (additonal pixel art help by jeff hehe)
Bit boy, Mike Welsh
"Certified swag" -wandas mom
"wait how come im not in the credits" -Β milkyace
Life coach - Billpremo
Newgrounds Page

1. Toxic and/or Harmful behavior towards Members, Devs, or Staff is prohibited.
-This also includes starting or instigating Drama, and Bigotry towards others for their Race, Sex, Orientation, or Other.
2. Posts are to be kept in their appropriate channels, and are to abide by Channel Specific Rules
-Additionally, Venting or postage of Sensitive and/or NSFW subjects or images in any channel is prohibited.
3. Excessive Spamming or Excessive Pointless Pinging of Members, Devs, or Staff is prohibted.
This Server Follows Discord Terms of Service, thus if you are discovered to be under age, or if you are to break ToS, you are to be removed from the community
SINCERELY, FnaFGamer14/Aidan's Entertainment