All Posts in FazbearX: The Broadcast

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PTBR: Planejando o mapa
Vermelho: entrada/saida dos dutos de ventilação
ENGLISH: Planning the map
Red: entrance / exit of the ventilation ducts

I almost lost the day, but I got there in time. Happy 5th birthday, Mousy!

PTBR: Estou tendo resultados! Lembre-se! É apenas uma WIP =)
ENGLISH: I'm getting results! Remember if! It's just a WIP =)


Oh how lovely, our Tutorial Unit is offering you a mug of coffee, will you take it?

Sorry, it was delayed only for a few days but it will still be this week, now tell me, what was the most BIZARRE of your nightmares?

PTBR: Hm? O que é isso?
ENGLISH: Huh? What is that?
Spoiler: AR Workshop.

Long time no see! Are you ready for FUN?

PTBR:Olá! Meu nome é Kaio, como posso te ajudar?
ENGLISH: Hello! My name is Kaio, how can I help you?