Not Related in VS Dave and Bambi club

Holy phone



mArViN eGgS iN mInEcRaFt?!?!?!?!

Ɗơ ɣơ⊔ 𝙶⊔ɣی ℓ⟟𝕂⋲ ⍭ꔠ⟟ی η⋲⍵ ⴥơη⍭ ⟟'ᨓ ⍭⋲ی⍭⟟η𝙶 ơ⊔⍭?

I'm still gonna add cpr somewhere in the port btw, instead of some sorta anti piracy it could be like a uhhh, no chart editor or somethin, I dont really have any ideas,...

Sure hope this port doesn't end up becoming a full gigabyte big!