Not Related in VS Dave and Bambi club

Holy phone

I love these two ocs so much omg!!

Samantha Warren and Lucas Blake Domingo art dump (some of this is very old 🤢)

Since I'm getting back into FNF, would you guys like to see more "covers" / "reskins"?

we so far only got 2 people! 2/15 for actcwn! check out this page to also learn more and possibly sign up!

I've seen a lot of people doing these.. straw pages, so I decided to make one myself! Go check it out,

I never understood those memes where its just a clip but it's repeated over and over and it keeps getting more and more pitched up and then it's suddenly super slow

this looks wayy too unsettling


My chinchillas :P

(I'm bored btw)

@PriskasFan ты такой молодец, слов нет)
@PriskasFan you are so good job, literally no words)

так ребетня, нарисуйте меня как Силли Билли (правда, хочу видеть себя в таком стиле)
so guys, draw me like Silly Billy guy
(really, i want see myself in that artstyle)