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the underground of catcher
el subsuelo de catcher

trabajando en el capitulo 2 >:)
working in the chapter 2 >:)

The Animatronics preview video is released! Give thoughts about what y'all seen so far, and I hope y'all like the voices for the characters! :)

Five Nights at Pumpk's: Re-Spooked | Animatronics Preview
Showcasing the animatronics and their mechanics. Also showcasing their voices!VOICE ACTORS:Pumpk: CranberryMelodyVAThe Death: RealBaxterVAZomby: JP ThomasMar...

Stay tuned for the new preview, it will be releasing TODAY! This will feature the main animatronics, what they do and how their voices sound.
Thanks to all the voice actors for helping me with this!