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The Big Event for V1.17 to V1.18

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The new Announcement trailer is here go watch it now too see some spooky stuff and also the sound and quality is meant to be like that to make the game more scarier and more fun to play and sorry for the anoying thingy on top!

Robo's Foxhouse 3rd coming announcement trailer
Lmao I did not add a custom background all I did was add this also sorry for the annoying thingy on top and the sound and quality is meant to be like that to...

It has been said that there will be a Robo's Foxhouse (The 3rd Coming) and the time set for the entire Robo's Foxhouse will be changed to the 1980s and it has been said it will be the scariest game we made so far!

Robo's Foxhouse (The 3rd Coming The end of Robo) Robo is coming after you and you have been brought to 1996

Hey guys it's Robo here creator of Robo's Foxhouse and many more games I want to announce that the new update will release on the 25th February and we are going to test a controller version of Robo's Foxhouse to make it compatible with console gamers!

Hey everyone a few days ago a terrible earthquake happened in turkey and syria and we are going to support turkey and syria and we all hope everyone will be alright and safe! From Latvia

  4 votes Voting finished

Robo's Foxhouse! V1.17 will release on the 28 January 2023 2:PM and we want to announce the biggest thing for Robo's Foxhouse!

The Movie Coming soon!

We need partnership!!!!

Robo's Foxhouse (The 2nd Coming) Is now on it includes a Windows macos and a html file go play it today!

Hello Everyone Sorry i have not been on for a while but

Robo's Foxhouse the 2nd coming will release tomorrow because there is not a game page yet but i will sort all of that out anyways merry christmas happy new year how is everyone?

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