general in Robo’s Foxhouse Official

Hey everyone a few days ago a terrible earthquake happened in turkey and syria and we are going to support turkey and syria and we all hope everyone will be alright and safe! From Latvia
Hello Everyone Sorry i have not been on for a while but
Robo's Foxhouse the 2nd coming will release tomorrow because there is not a game page yet but i will sort all of that out anyways merry christmas happy new year how is everyone?

you can vote for who will be in fnax+
what fnax game do you like the most
#spawnday i have been on gamejolt for one year!
Ask me questions!
when will Robo’s Foxhouse V1.8 release?
whats gonna happened next update?
will you make a New game?
when will Fennec house have custom night?
Happy birthday Fnaf!!
Hey foxes Robo here I was making a new update for Robo's Foxhouse and I deleted a variable and it glitched my game so i have to delete it and the download i will make a remake of it
because that stupid volume DESTROYED MY GAME!!!!!!!