Global in Forsaken AR:Darkest Delivery Türkiye

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I'm not active in gamejolt, maybe if I can reach an agreement with the moderators on the official gamejolt account I can increase the moderation. That's all I have to say for now,-Forsaken AR Turkey fan community Manager Funtime Entertainment (3/3)

First of all, this place will be exclusive to (Turkish speaking) or Turkish people and bot accounts will be deleted, if forsaken ar developers accept I want to delete the community and open an *official* community. 2/3

Hello, today I want to say a few important things and explain the things that will be done about the community in the future. 1/3

[Fnaf|Fanverse|Forsaken ar]The ScreamPunk Au(Fanverse)

#Fnaf #Fanverse #FanArt #Fanmade

Dreadbear sonunda 12 Günlük Plushsuits'in 12. Gününde görünüyor ve seneye lefty yenilenecek! Dreadbear'ın dükkan müziği, 3D İkonu ve birkaç dövüş ayarlaması gibi hala bitirmeye çalıştıkları birkaç şey var. Tamamlanınca eklenecek…