About games in Fangamer1254's Gamer Community

"Hand me my shovel I'm going in!"

Programming the guy!

This game is probably the best YT clickbait ever: "I've beaten X/100 AI mode"

Though AI here means probability to move so 20 is the same as 5 AI now 100 is the same as 20 AI

Basically equation is old_AIvalue*5 to get its probability.

Fun Fact: Office & other animatronics are desatured to look more old & darker!

If somebody didn't noticed office not being greenish.

Multi-Language-Dimensional-Combinational door the most complex door in the existence of SN!

& cameras which also they have Multi-Language-Dimensional-Combinational cams


Gameplay itself is I think finished.

Now it's time for worse part.


If the game will go well I may consider making a sequel in the future.


The Grande Finale!

For those wh0 likes classics!