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I have a feeling…

Ending each month with a new progress update! Tune into 2025 progress update 1 now!

Minor updates for both RNARTTG and RNARTUS Recoded!

I made it so you can download the Classic modes alongside the main games, just for convenience!

Don't ask why I moved them from the original page...

Either way, download these new versions now!!!!!!!!

It’s my birthday today 🥳🎉🎂🎁

So since it’s my birthday im gonna shoutout some of my friends and cool people in this post







and some others to mention

2 days left until the party

3 days left until my birthday (the character in the image is a work in progress 8 bit version of myself think of it as like a fnaf minigame sprite of me or something)

i've dark hours these mansions before

How was the demo? What can I do to improve the gameplay?

(Image unrelated)
