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Yes back into the Gamejolter tale project for about one day XD

I loved how so many people ( about 100 XD) were interested in this project I was so appreciative but I sadly just forgot about it ( stupid me!!)

Well more detail in article!

i have this saved as my gamejolt bookmark so whenever i click on the bookmark i get instant nostalgia and sadness

Hi everyone!

Just noticing it would be really helpful if you Not post anything irrelevant in the community please

If your desperate pls just post it in the OFF TOPIC place

Hewo othew peopwe of Mastew's community! I must infowm you dat This community is not really that active.

Voice sign up!

Welcome to the GAMEJOLTERTALE community on Game Jolt!

This project is for everyone to enter so dont be shy. There are many things for you to do here to help this community like

  • Sharing your taste in creating characters

  • Making music

  • Making awesome fanart

  • And more

There are some rules to go on about like:

  • No swearing or cursewords

  • No bullying or saying bad things

  • Keep ot PG ( no lust sans stuff )

  • Help others when needed

Well lets get this new AU MADE!!!

Logo and header generously designed by:


Report A community for about 5 years