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Henry Miller
Despite being such a simple battle, with a relatively simple soundtrack, it left a really great impression on me, an unforgettable experience.
#GJAsks The greatest boss I've ever fought?
It's simple...
sees bright golden light in the distance
Me: Am I going to fight the sun?
The Radiance: appears
Like.... I hate the Radiance and all... But it's still a good fight, especially for a final boss

hardest boss battle i ever fought
Best boss battle I’ve ever fought was the final boss to sonic mania when you get all chaos emeralds. Best fight I’ve ever seen hands down. #GJasks

I have make an option to remove all of my games (permanently) except Click Me! and rebranded to NOTEDsoftware
#GJAsks One Answer that is underrated: The Fnaf Series

Q: What's An Underrated Classic More People Need To Play? #GJAsks
A: FNAF World is underrated. It doesn't get as much attention as it deserve to be and I enjoy playing it