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Henry Miller

Despite being such a simple battle, with a relatively simple soundtrack, it left a really great impression on me, an unforgettable experience.

#GJAsks The greatest boss I've ever fought?

It's simple...

sees bright golden light in the distance

Me: Am I going to fight the sun?

The Radiance: appears

Like.... I hate the Radiance and all... But it's still a good fight, especially for a final boss



hardest boss battle i ever fought

#GJAsks Its sans of course

Best boss battle I’ve ever fought was the final boss to sonic mania when you get all chaos emeralds. Best fight I’ve ever seen hands down. #GJasks

I have make an option to remove all of my games (permanently) except Click Me! and rebranded to NOTEDsoftware

#GJAsks One Answer that is underrated: The Fnaf Series


Q: What's An Underrated Classic More People Need To Play? #GJAsks

A: FNAF World is underrated. It doesn't get as much attention as it deserve to be and I enjoy playing it