Pixel Worlds
Post about Pixel Worlds!

-X-ScornGames is an independet game company, based in austria. Led by X, the only game developer suffering from the infamous tourette syndrome and strong OCD.

Resources are important to manufacture building, droids and make important upgrades in both the hero and the droids, so digging for starstones and ancient alien equippable or not artifacts is gonna be a seriously important part of the game.

So, 'The Last Days of Humanity', my little tower defense game is a little bit better visually now at 11x11 pixels art. 6x6 pixels size is still for the inventory & the equipment slots. A satisfying improvement from its previous 9x9 pixel incarnation.

As thoughts regarding the future of humanity besieged my mind I created the necessary concept art for a tower defense game I'm building. Currently in mere 9x9 pixel sized graphics for enemies/cannons/buildings/droids & 6x6 pixel sized inventory icons.