Jogos in Game Jolt BR

Share your creations!

#FNAFFave feliz aniversario pra fnaf!
eu gostaria de agradecer a essa comunidade por manter esse jogo foda vivo, principalmente aos youtubers (como os guris) e aos fangamers (como o @_Kareduc_ e @Kane
I'm not going to translate it because I'm too lazy
#GJAsks alguem sabe um boomer shooter bom alem de doom, ultrakill, dusk e anger foot?
The End of GlitchCode Team. (ING/PTBR)

For celebrating @Random_User3 1000 followers Slide is going to be the first one who is going to have a remodel

I removed some people from the game test list, due to inactivity or not meeting the requirements I was looking for.
If you want to be chosen, be very honest with the game itself