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Good night, tomorrow i might know how to make it public



Maybe i will make a vrchat vídeo. Vrchat mobile.

I am poor and dont have a oculus quest.

"But sam. Your phone you are ussing dont support vrch-"

I can use my aunt phone. She is very kind with me :)

Fun Fact: Did you know that I once worked on a Brazilian project that would represent Brazilian Ifunny users? This project was being produced sometime in 2022-2024, but was canceled after the Brazilian server has been closed... what a shame.

This is ronnie.

A blue teletubbie with a hat. He can break 4th wall and he is super mean with... MEE :D

He has a sister named luana.

His country origin is brazil

He is from the northeast. It looks like a carioca, but it's not.

And... He is not happy. O no

Read the article for more info


Back in December 2016, I was played this game I did jump on it and stay in this window

It was glitching


"Sweet dreams..."

12:00 AM Post!

Get ready! At 12:00 AM Dulcia Somnia's first post and opening of the gamepage will be posted!

Hope to see ya there

Go play it now 🗣🔥

I did some voice acting uwu