show off your devlopment!!!!

Fredboi art 👍

Soooo which one?

Helllooooo people! So you might find i won't be as active today with like responses, comments questions ect because I went to sleep at 4:30 in the morning last night 👍. So I might be sleeping more than I would. Sorry for the unexpected occurrence!

I'm officially gonna be booting up a five part series called "ask springbonnie and fredbear anything"! This is going off some old consepts I have seen on youtube! Please give your questions for them here and then you can get the majority off your answers!

I swear I'm drunk, or at the edge of being f*ckin drunk 😂

Hey guys! So me and the team would like to know,which plan sounds easier for the tapes? Plan A we finish pre-production

For all the tapes and then film them all or plan B. Finish pre-production for tape 1 and then film tape 1 so on and so for the others

  12 votes Voting finished

Hey anyone here know how to make and program a title screen for game maker?

I plan to make one for righrys rebuilt but I need some serious, serious help. Its either one of you guys can help me or I go off a tutorial on game makers website-

Happy new years off the dreadbear rentals team!

currently exporting a video for youtube!
