Oc Stories in Artists & Writers

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Kangaroo in the county Fair

There seems to be a kangaroo loose at the fair.

drawn made in 2023


OGGI, (oltre alla fine del 3° capitolo) IL FUMETTO COMPIE UN ANNO 🎉🎉 (si, è da un anno che sto facendo questo fumetto 🥲 grazie mille a tutti voi per il vostro supporto, tutto questo è ANCHE grazie a voi)

do we really need to do this with ur tartling ocs all the time?

forgot of mention that he can kill someone by accident sometimes (never happened)

CogValley, my newest project
Read the Article, partner VVV

necromoni, the second provoker (and the weakest) of the baptism of devil incident

Update log of the whole lore book?






loser is the ''rewrite'' of ''uli'' or now as ''zack''

and saul to soul eater