Share your creations!

I asked my friends (who don’t know I’m a furry) what animal they think I am and I’m gonna start drawing myself as them. I’m tryna keep the colours with what I acc look like.

No.1 was a golden retriever

Feel free to tell me what you think I am :]


Millie like girls. But there's only one she loves (@Victoree I love u sweetheart 💞 )

The art took 3 hours

After days of training the new art style I think I got somewhere

Silly fanart for @General_Skaza_ :]]
I love Laura sm

Plague doctor #scp049
little gore on 2nd slide

new art <3

Welcome to the furry safe community community on Game Jolt!

If you're not an artist - there is no problem, the community is for everyone as long as you're polite

The whole community mainly focuses on Furries , but that does not mean, you cannot post non furry creations! :}

Rules :

  • Don't steal art

    This also means not to repost someone else's art without crediting them, aswell as other creations such as 3d art, animation, fursuits etc.

  • No AI "art"

    If we find out that any artwork posted in here is artificially generated, you will be imidietly banned.

  • Be kind

    If anyone in this community is rude to you, notify General Skaza, please respect everyone

  • No Politics, Religion etc.
    we do not want conflict or missinformation

Report A community for almost 2 years