general in The Game Theory Club

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Here are the base four Toy Animatronics! I think they turned out great! Toy Chica is probably my favorite because I like how the colors clash together so nicely and how I made her beakless to make her different from FNaF 1 Chica. What do y'all think? :D

Which FNaF animatronic should I draw my own version of? (I've already done Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Springtrap)

Q n A time! FNAF WORLD: RETRO edition!!!!

You can ask ANYTHING

YO Cory is finally back! LETS GOOO

(This feels like a early Christmas gift, and I'm happy he's back)

Sparky, Foxy's first mate is done! I like him :>

Golden Freddy is done!

Freddy redesign is done! He chubby :>

Endo-01 is done! He looks like the angry children from the FNaF 2 minigame -_-

Foxy is done! This took a while because I was ranting about William Afton's age with Lilith and Co.