game in Game Drawing

Here pls...

Don't listen to them Rea: you're not scary. Just... don't get too close to the screen please, I'm getting the chills.

After 5 long years of work, Aeon Nightmares is finally out! Thank you to everyone who supported me on this journey and merry Xmas to everyone!


Not very nice, but an example.



You need a gate? You are unhappy with the position? No problem. :-)

Feel free to check out my mapmaking tool 'Canvas of Kings'! :-)


I use paths. Other paths can be attached to these paths. For example, you can create a road with a fence. This works on both sides. :-)

Feel free to check my mapmaker 'Canvas of Kings'!


Some people have asked me if I can publish my mapmaking tools. So I developed a software called 'Canvas of Kings'. :-)

Available on Steam in two weeks.

WIP Beta Demo- Apocalypse Blitz
#shorts #unity #beatemup #brawler #gaming #2d Been working on the beta demo for a bit. Hit some feature glitches I have to fix, but I like how the first lev...

I also revised my top-down snow effect a bit. The snow and the snow cover are slowly growing. It is shown accelerated.