All Posts in Garfelf’s Guide to a Great Lasagna

Now it's time for a subject no one likes: Math.

Well I had to recreate garfelf's guide full game public demo and put posters on the walls and and not make it work with an xbox and playstation controller support and added new charcaters in it.

Garfelf's guide the ultra crossover

when I played Ned's schoolhouse and garfelf's guide. I just want to describe Ned and jon

Garfelf's guide decompile has been completed I fixed everything in this game

garfelf's guide character calamity has been updated I changed the voices of principal garfoogle and made waluigi slap saying wah and 39 slap


a Little Gameplay Teaser of Ned's SchoolHouse Has Been Revealed

Box Art Released

Conker's Bad Fur Day - Deleted Scene

23rd December

Rudolph Odie

20th December

Elf Garfelf