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Garfelf's guide Random maps ( a BBRMS anniversary mod)

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago
the random maps series takes place at Garfelf's guide full game public demo

Garfelf's guide random maps version 1.1

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago

Garfelf guide random maps 1.2

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Baldi’s basics melody

We have everyone from the universe

so you play as a player

Original mod by @CubeMasterPro

BBRMS is owned by @Paulor_94

Jollibee georgiger tweetybird and maxitty models by @dead-acc or JayWgames

Remade george tweetie and maxie in jay's version by Me

warners by @TimeldanaGames

Characters of garfelf's guide by @CubeMasterPro

JOLLY by @IvanG

credits goes to @Cryptical-Games for the drawings

Credits goes to @PyroRapidFox for the clone sonic from FNAS

This is the final Garfelf's guide crossover game called garfelf's guide character calamity 3

the map is the public demo map from Garfelf's Guide Full Game Pubic Demo

#fangame #other #baldisbasicsmod #survival #scifi


Here is the whole random maps gang

I replaced frank with clone sonic from FNAS for garfelf guide random maps

Well I had to recreate garfelf's guide full game public demo and put posters on the walls and and not make it work with an xbox and playstation controller support and added new charcaters in it.