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School doodlesssss⭐️🖤

Idk what to post-

Anyway- This is my obsession/hyperfixation at the moment⭐️


Also school doodles :p

My luck is insane-

I got Black Forest Cookie and White Lily Cookie first try in the new gacha-

I keep getting hyper fixated on things I just saw.

Someone help before I get obsessed over something else.

People: You should hate villain characters!

Me: … If evil.. then why so silly..

Welcome to the 💚~[Gwen’s Safe Place]~💿 community on Game Jolt!

Hello and welcome to my safe place!

Here you can post anything as long as it’s not:




•D3ath threats/Any threats❌


Please be nice to everyone in this community :3

Luv you all <3💚

@-GwenTheInkFreak- owner
Report A community for 8 months