General in HISPATALE

Welcome human! Show us your experience at HispaTale!

What's the greatest boss battle i've ever fought, huh? #GJAsks
The Asgore battle is one of the most epic battles in the game. The music, the nerves, the mercy button being destroyed, the effects. And its the first boss battle you encounter in Undertale!

#GJAsks What's my favorite game villian?
Ho ho ho! The bad guy!
Lancer, fron Deltarune Ch.1 and 2. It's the most funniest villian i've ever seen .
-Signed, Lancer.

Che, sí alguien acá sabe español, que me ayude porfa
Estuve desde ayer intentando registrame y así jugar pero por alguna razon la página a la que me redirecciona el botón de "Registrarse" me figura que mi Email es invalido.