random_shi in hare_dares mob of cool ppl

Hare_dare's mob of cool ppl

Chat my power went out, idk what happened but I think this smoke has smt to do with it-
It lowkey kinda smells like the 4th of July outside rn

Chat, this weekend I js started laughing to myself for absolutely no reason in the car and my sister looked at me like I was crazy and then my dad asked if I needed therapy- ๐ญ

Chat, I'm like- not tired at all rn- it's 2:34 am rn for me and my grandma gets up at 3 to go to work- I'm boutta pull an all nighter chat
Bro, I'm so bored tho- idk what to do rn ๐ฆ๐ฆ

Chat, quick question before I go to bed frfr... Who tf is this? All I know is that they're getting a bunch of hate but idk why- but who are they? ๐ญ