Art Archive in LUKELCS Fan Community

God must be gloinks!!

Connection. . . successful.

Material Transfer . . . successful.

Disturbance Level . . . low.

Experiment . . . successful.

Made a thing.

Be sure to put on headphones, and get ready for things to get loud. 🎧

A.udio V.isual E.xperience
0:00 Emergence2:54 Melody in Accord5:40 Cast8:36 The "Great" Flame13:04 The Dream16:00 Call and Response============Other Socials============Game Jolt : http...

Took me maybe 4-5 hours, but took me 3 days. :)

Can't believe I made this the thumbnail for the Art Archive channel yet never actually reposted it to the Art Archive Channel.

Well, if they can do Christmas in July I guess I can post Halloween in Late June lol

Remember that WIP I posted a few days ago? Yeah well, I decided to start over and uh, check this out instead

(note, this really only took so long cuz I was playin a lot of Elden Ring lol)

No characters yet, but some I'm planning to include would be Myself, Alicia, the GUIDANCE cast, Cassey from Clossure, and perhaps some others? Though I think those would have my work cut out for me lol

One of my weirder and creepier arts, this was based on the theme "serpent" back during Joltober

I don't really plan on expanding on it, heads up, but I've toyed with the idea of doing something manga-style, and it was fun to do ^.^

Remember back when there was that Link vs Bendy in one of those character vs character polls things? Well, this was their battle.

Enjoy ^.^

One Shot is by far one of my favorite games, and it happens to have row-bots in it as well! (pun intended) so that's two of last weeks #ArtWeeklies themes! ^.^

(hey, at least I made it within the grace period )

Hope you enjoy ^.^