general in Historical community

In the words of Jean Valjean, Ambition: A Minuet in Power launches on the Nintendo Switch in 'one day more'! How do you plan to shine in the city of lights?
Pre-order here, for a 25% discount!…

'Ambition: A Minuet in Power' releases on the Nintendo Switch in just three days! How do you plan to use your social cunning to gain love, wealth, and power?
Pre-order Ambition here, and get a 25% discount!…

It's Pride Month and we're celebrating by offering 'Ambition: A Minuet in Power' at 33% off, it's lowest discount ever, all until June 13th!…
It’s the final part of our Rambling History Segment on Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, including a bit about his famous son. Watch Luther, our writer and designer, discuss history right here!…

Achievement Unlocked: Being mentioned in a Wikipedia article about a historical figure.
Surprisingly, we're not the ones who wrote this.