General in Hollow Knight

Brave the Depths of a Forgotten Kingdom!

"Void Heart" by Xtreme31 100% (All Coins)

Всех фанатов ХК поздравляю, уже 6 лет прошло с первого анонса Silksong

Yen: Greetings, souls.... Show me the target, and I will start my slaughter. I'll bring Serika with me to start...

* Tomorrow 12pm - Archive's Lost Teammate


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(Blazing Soul... Not Responding.)

TODAY I HAVE FINISHED MY FIRST PLAY THROUGHT FOR HOLLOW KNIGHT, it was a really good game and will always be in my top 2, i had many challenges ending this game and i nearly gave up some times (honet 2nd fight & creastal peak) completoin in my 2nd post .