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Let's talk about JR's!

go follow epic game (not fnaf or jr's)

i'm bored so i made this lol.

Page Updated!!


get me to 1,000 followers!!1!!11!!!11!!! i need money11!1!!1111!!!!!!!!!


JR's Scratch Port warning screen...

Orange Pumpkin Spice Fox xD
Its the icon of the song "Cycle" by @ConnorCrisis !!!

Sorry to disappoint everybody who was excited to see a trailer for FNAF2:R at @Zrox-Games Direct but we have been managing multiple projects and real world issues,
so when the event comes just expect a few small teasers to prep for something to come soon.


I need some help on my JR's scratch port. Rn I just finished the dialogue boxes for the barrens and I need help for the 3D part of the barrens. I can't find a suitable 3D engine for the game and it would need to require some specific things.