Minecraftia in The Jax Justun Studios Community: Population: The Future Games will Start with YOU!!!

Welcome to THE JAX JUSTUN STUDIOS COMMUNITY page! Where my future games start with me and U!

Afternoon everybody!!! First off, sorry for the late post, I was at the dentist office today from 11:50 AM to 12:56 PM!!!! And I did pretty well and everything!!!!

The #17th Banner Poster Shrine of Jax Justun Studios - (Created on: May 22nd, 2024 - June 3rd, 2024) Good afternoon everybody!!!!! Look what has FINALLY been created here folks!??!?!!!!!

Morning and afternoon folks!!! Today's May 31st, 2024, and the folks of both Jax Justun Studios and Minecraftia (now called "Minecraftia Jueogos Studios" or "MJS World") have a special message for all of you guys for today here!!! #EnjoyEveryone!!!!

Hello folks, we have a quick announcement for tonight here on May 29th, 2024!!!!! And it's kind of an interesting one to be exacted here!!!!!

Well guys, it has finally been completed folks!!! After like 38 Calendar Days of development, the official story for the #5thTRtoJJ's game's finally been officially completed!!!!

Hey guys, I know it's very late on my side here, but it appears that the folks of Minecraftia have something to tell all of you here!!!!

Well guys, the official #25thJaxJustunStudiosVideo's now in development!!!!!

Afternoon folks, sorry for the delays of them future updates for today on May 18th, 2024!!!! The reason why's because I was busy doing some family stuff and I was playing the official First Chapter of Indigo Park!!!!

Hello folks, this is a pinned GameJolt Post that'll show all of the future parody mascot horror games for Jax Justun & Jax Marble Parody Adventure Series of Part Two!!!

My answers for #MinecraftBuild and #MostFearedMob!!!! My favorite mob's the PIG because I love pigs!!!!! Also here's my Minecraft build!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!